Welcome to Pointless Ramblings v2
For the last six years this domain has been serving up my blog using Wordpress as the backend. Ignoring a couple of re-installs, today is the first day it’s no longer Wordpress. I was 16 when I started this blog, just starting to learn PHP. During these years the site has undergone six different designs I can find on archive.org. The site has always (and probably will always be) been more of a testing ground than a blog.
During these years I’ve gone through school and 2/3’s University (finish this July year), looked at and played with tonnes of different languages (PHP, Javascript, Java, Lua & so on) and started a small business: Afterburst. In July I’ll be free to move almost anywhere in the world. It’s an exciting prospect, I’ve visited a number of towns (Banff, Queenstown, Melbourne) for extended periods of time; but there’s always been University waiting for me in the UK.
I want to become a better blogger over the next few months, I want to learn to construct better, more interesting content. Step one to becoming a better blogger? Use blogging software. Wordpress is a CMS now. So I threw together Luapress, another one of these static blog generators. It’s extremely minimal, the entire site is made from 5 templates (head, foot, post, page & archive) and only supports simple date-ordered posts across multiple indexes, single pages and single posts. The archive is a ‘special’ page. Aside from else there’s very little to it, a few markdown files and a small config file.
So, assuming all goes to plan, stay tuned for more regular blogging!
- Next: Lua vs Node vs LuaNginx
- Archive: All Ramblings