Querying 50k Gameservers in 100 lines of Python Created: Wed 29 Jul 2015 · Updated: Wed 07 Oct 2020

A long while back I built a built a web app which provided search and aggregated stats for Valve gameservers. At any time there are ~50k of these registered with the “master server”, but only 20-40% of these are accessible publically. The original collector was written in PHP and would take about 20 minutes to discover and collect stats from the gameservers. I have rebuilt the collector in Python and it’s able to collect all ~50k servers in under a minute, given a suitable (>=100mbit) connection.

In this post I’ll outline how we can build such a collector. To do so we’ll make use of two wonderful Python packages: gevent allows us to fire off requests in parallel which is essential to achieve the speeds desired and python-valve talks the Valve master and game server protocols. The two parts of the collecting process are a) read server addresses from the master server and b) read information directly from each server.

Querying the master server is as simple as:

def find_servers():
    count = 0
    greenlets = []
    master = MasterServerQuerier(
        address=(MASTER_HOST, 27011), timeout=MASTER_TIMEOUT

        for address in master.find():
            greenlets.append(pool.spawn(get_server_stats, address))
            count += 1

    except NoResponseError as e:
        # Protocol is UDP so there's no "end"
        if u'Timed out' not in e.message:
            logging.warning('Error querying master server: {0}'.format(e))

        logging.info('Found {0} addresses'.format(count))
        return greenlets

Here we’re reading server addresses as they come in and spawning a get_server_stats greenlet for each. We then return a list of those greenlets for later analysis.

The get_server_stats function talks to the actual gameservers and looks like:

def get_server_stats(address):
    server = ServerQuerier(address, timeout=SERVER_TIMEOUT)

        ping = server.ping()
        info = server.get_info()
        # Also available: server.get_players()

        logging.info(u'Updated {0}:{1} {2} @ {3}ms'.format(
            address[0], address[1], info['server_name'], ping)
        return True

    except (NotImplementedError, NoResponseError, BrokenMessageError):
        # Ignore UDP or protocol errors

All this does is fire off a couple of UDP requests to the server and hopefully get valid responses - if not we simply ignore as UDP is flakey.

The full code (including collecting number of successes/etc) is in this gist. Unfortunately this approach only finds ~7000 servers each run of which ~1000-1500 return a response - this is not good enough.

Tuning the master server query

The master server(s) are not very keen on sending a full list of every server they know about - according to the python-valve docs it’s way more effective when using (region) filters. The masters are also quick to rate-limit too many requests in a short period. Luckily the official address (hl2master.steampowered.com) actually points to three IPs - meaning we can round-robin requests between each. Using per-region requests split between the master server IP’s should dramatically improve the number of gameservers we discover.

So lets modify find_servers to take a host and region:

def find_servers(host, region):
    count = 0
    greenlets = []
    master = MasterServerQuerier(
        address=(host, 27011), timeout=MASTER_TIMEOUT

        for address in master.find(region=[region]):
            greenlets.append(pool.spawn(get_server_stats, address))
            count += 1

    except NoResponseError as e:
        # Protocol is UDP so there's no "end"
        if u'Timed out' not in e.message:
            logging.warning('Error querying master server: {0}'.format(e))

        logging.info('Found {0} addresses'.format(count))
        return greenlets

And now we can spawn a greenlet for each region, rotating between hosts using a deque:

MASTER_HOSTS = deque(['', '', ''])
VALVE_REGIONS = [u'na', u'sa', u'eu', u'as', u'oc', u'af', u'rest']


for region in VALVE_REGIONS:
        pool.spawn(find_servers, MASTER_HOSTS[0], region)

Using these modifications a single run is now able to pick up ~30-50k addresses each time. This combined with a pool/gevent size of 3000 (don’t forget ulimit -n first!) was able to collect ~20k/50k addresses in under a minute. The full code for this approach is also found in this gist.

Wrap up

So, using asynchronous requests, we are able to collect statistics from tens of thousands of gameservers in under a minute - all in under 100 lines of Python. I am using these techniques in the new collector daemon as part of my Source Server Stats rebuild.