Migrating this Blog to Hugo
This post marks the first release of this blog built using Hugo; hopefully nothing looks out of place! Hugo replaces my own Luapress that was in use since 2013. Hugo brings more functionality enabling me to do more interesting stuff without having to implement it myself. A blogroll, link summary posts or even a shit company rant section (another place to rant alongside Twitter). Back on topic, this post is about my experience rebuilding this blog using Hugo.
Everything is a Page
Hugo is well documented and has plenty of community support. It’s taken maybe 4 or 5 hours to do the migration. BUT - at the start I found some of the ways Hugo processes content to be confusing, and found little to no description of how this works. Let’s look at adding content in the quickstart example:
hugo new posts/my-first-post.md
hugo serve
… and just like that - a blog! OK, but Hugo builds all kinds of website, how’s the post appearing on the homepage? What happens if I make a /pages/info.md
? I did and… it appeared on the homepage as well - hmm.
Through much searching and browsing of example websites, I discovered that, quite simply, everything is a page. Blog posts are just pages. It’s the template that defines how, and more importantly which, pages are displayed. My mistake was thinking templates were simply a definition of look, like a WordPress template. Instead templates convey both look and function. That is to say that templates need to be content aware, and content needs to be template aware - the two go hand in hand. For example, to render only blog posts on the homepage, the homepage template would contain something similar to:
{{ range (where .Site.RegularPages "Section" "posts") }}
{{ .Render "post" }}
{{ end }}
OK, now we’re in business.
Building the Template
Now that I’d wrapped my head around the content <> template interaction, it was time to port over the “Pointless v10” template. Hugo uses Go’s builtin templating and it is awesome, a major step up from Mustache. The block based inheritence and general syntax is much like jinja2 or Django and so felt immediately familiar.
I skipped most of the documentation on themes and jumped right in starting with the Smol theme which seemed like a suitable bare-bones starting point. That, along with the blog example site and it only took an hour to do most of the conversion.
The only complex part was re-creating the masts list on the info page, which was previously generated via Luapress plugin (ie a Lua script):
{{ range $year := (sort (readDir "static/masts/home") "Name" "desc") }}
{{ range $month := (slice "December" "November" "October" "September" "August" "July" "June" "May" "April" "March" "February" "January") }}
{{ $filename := printf "masts/home/%s/%s.jpg" $year.Name $month }}
{{ if fileExists (printf "static/%s" $filename) }}
<img src="{{ $filename | relURL }}" />
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
Permalink Changes
Finally the other hurdle to deal with was the permalinks! Luapress was generating links using underscores and no “slugification” of post titles. I much prefer Hugo’s slugified post URLs but needed to gracefully transition these over. I spent some time looking for an nginx solution until I discovered Hugo itself can handle this! All it takes is a simple alias flag in the old posts:
- /posts/Why_Always_Docker/
Hugo and Beyond
That’s all there was to it - a smooth experience moving over to Hugo. Although I have no immediate changes planned, it’s now possible for me to modify and/or create content on this blog, my small slice of the internet.
- Next: Replacing ReadTheDocs with GitHub
- Previous: On the Consolidation of the Web
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