As I age the desire to write things down has (re)grown, particularly yearly notes. My dad has been doing this for years in his private photo albums, perhaps that’s where it comes from. Or maybe a natural anti-memory-fading mechanism. Anyway: 2024 was pretty eventful.
- Janurary - recovering from the Beeper Mini adventure and collapse in December.
- February - Enjoyed some good skiing in France and Rocco had his first proper snow experience (and crucially loved it!).
- April - holy shit we got acquired by Automattic. last minute meetup in Porto (see Sumners excellent blog post for a summary). Start of a major rebuild for Beeper.
- June-ish - surprise found, fell in love with, had offer accepted on a new home. Doesn’t fit the desire list at all, closer to town than further away and yet it’s everything we didn’t know we wanted. The start of 5 months of “bonus” stress (future blog post, but that’s pretty normal for the UKs terrible house purchase processes).
- July - the increasingly disappointing Labour Party win the UK general election. Well at least the Toris got ousted. Scary growth for Reform, exciting growth for Lib Debs.
- July/August/September - head down at work, head down on house move prep, rubbish summer weather. Bit of a grind. Some relief on holiday in the Alps again.
- October - Rocco turns two! What a wild and wonderful adventure children are.
- November - oh my what have the (US) Americans done. How more people voted for such a lunatic than last time is beyond me. Very much hope the aforementioned Labour Party lean towards the EU for the next 4 years.
- Late November - we’re in the new house! It’s more awesome than we imagined.
- December - mad dash to get the house ready for hosting Christmas this year. Big success!
One final theme for the entire year - LLMs continue to be uninspiring slop generators with some limited actual use cases. Have been trying our Cursor on and off throughout the year but have found it’s only useful for the most basic of code.
And just like that, onto 2025. Settling into the new house properly. Some very exciting stuff coming up at Beeper. Watching the state of the world with increasing worry.
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